
In order to learn more about web dev and attain a “hireable” skillset, I decided to create a small project that would emulate a real world app, and deploy it.

There is a lot to go over so this will be updated regularly. I dissected some of my learnings into a few posts.

I decided to create a Glassdoor clone, where one can search for companies under certain filters, see their page, see reviews about the company, create an account to submit their own review, and more.

The backend is written in Golang, with a Redis cache for session management and PostgreSQL for data storage. The frontend is written in TS with NextJS and React, with Shadcn components and Tailwind. Using docker containers for local development and deployement on GCP, with a CI/CD pipeline. Databases deployed on Supabase and Upstash. Using IAP to run private development service.

Over the course of this project I’ve learned tremendous amounts about fullstack dev, my favourite areas being backend development with Golang and DevOps on GCP. Frontend is also a pleasure but I underestimated how hard UX is and how something as simple as creating a form can hide a lot of challenges when it comes to designing a good flow and experience.